I am being threatened with libel again!

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by Eclectic, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    This time by the people behind Train2Game. And with the Evony fun already underway I haven't the time or resources to do anything to defend myself. So the article must come down on Tuesday by 4pm, when the solicitors want a reply. A big pity as I was very careful to ensure that it was extremely truthful. What is it with our law that the people with money can trample on the truth? We live in a land where journalists can't tell the truth because rich people and companies can abuse the law with their money to prevent free speech. If this is happening to me for this accurate and fair piece just imagine how many hundreds, maybe thousands, of articles are kept from you. Which means that the news you see in newspapers and blogs and the broadcast media does not reflect reality. Which means that lots of the information inside your head, on which you make judgements and life decisions, is incorrect.
  2. Recurse

    Recurse Rabidly intolerant One Of Us

    The laws are written by the people with the money.
  3. plaf

    plaf Peter Molyneux One Of Us

    I believe this is a well-known phenomenon called "lying opportunism" - or in recent years "spin".

    Sorry to hear it though, best of luck tackling Evony and now this new thing :/
  4. AN_D_K

    AN_D_K Industry Veteran (correct spelling) One Of Us

    Warned you.
  5. DrDeth

    DrDeth Gamer One Of Us

    So, you've only just realised that? Just like your piece that you claim to be truthful, most media is merely conjecture and opinion.
  6. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    I have taken the Train2game article down pro tem, whilst the legal experts have a think. So far they think I have no case to answer.
  7. plaf

    plaf Peter Molyneux One Of Us

    are you actually getting anything out of all this? or is it just for the hell of it?
  8. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    Entertainment value, that's all. One thing I really don't understand is TIGAs involvement with Train2game.
  9. molesworth

    molesworth the curse of st custards Staff Member Moderator

    TIGA probably just had a vague look at the course content, and didn't do any kind of background checking on the people behind it.
  10. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    I am not complaining about the course content. Otherwise I would be complaining about a high percentage of the university game courses. My problem here is their use of hard sell salesmen to get people to sign up to £5K credit agreements. There are a huge number of wannabe game enthusiasts out there who make easy targets.
  11. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    I get some interesting recorded delivery mail.