SCEE Liverpool worth the recruiter ?

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by Yoroppan, May 16, 2008.

  1. Yoroppan

    Yoroppan Lurker Not From Round Here

    Hello folks,

    I've been looking forward to a scenery change recently and Sony Liverpool ranks pretty high in my book - only problem is they only recruit through Datascope.
    The big question is : how much damage can sending my resume to their recruiter do and how long can it last ? Specifically, I don't want to have other studios shun me because the agency contacted them first without my consent.

    Any insight ?
  2. topoli

    topoli Gaming God One Of Us

    exactly what happened to me after going through datascope when trying to apply through them to another Sony Europe studio. :? i should have probably made it more clear right away that I was not interested in seeing my resume in Inboxes all over Europe tho.
    to be fair I got into talks through them with that Sony Studio finally but ultimately went elsewhere.

    make it clear right from the start then - and cross those fingers. ;)
  3. Yoroppan

    Yoroppan Lurker Not From Round Here

    Thanks, your post rekindled the paranoid flame inside of me :D
  4. oaf

    oaf Prefers tabs to spaces One Of Us

    Isn't there someone on here you can pass your cv on to?

    I'm sure there's plenty of SCEE Liverpool bods who could pass it on to the right person, if the right person himself isn't reading this already.

    You're right to be paranoid about agencies. They're <rant deleted>.
  5. Yoroppan

    Yoroppan Lurker Not From Round Here

    I simply contacted Sony HR after all.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2008
  6. Nokill

    Nokill Troll Not From Round Here

    If you din't get contacted yet I might have someone you could mail that works there and can get a ball rolling for you.

    pm me.
  7. Butcher

    Butcher Futuristic Techno Wizard One Of Us

    Not all SCEE recruiting is through Datascope - they like you to think it is though. If you can apply to someone directly you should be able to completely avoid Datascope.
  8. Yoroppan

    Yoroppan Lurker Not From Round Here

  9. topoli

    topoli Gaming God One Of Us

    lol, i remember trying this mail-ad from the page initially and getting a reply back that said i should contact... datascope ;)